Monday, May 12, 2014

Short Story 1

“Well what do you propose we do with it?” asked Eric. “I suppose the most reasonable thing would be to get the cops.” answered Leon. “That may be true, but you can't tell me you're not interested in it at all?” said Eric. “In that? Why would I find something so disgusting so fascinating?” Leon took another glance at the soaked lump bobbing in the water, slowly rising and sinking, it would eventually find itself lying on the shore.
The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon, the few bits of light cast a shadow on the lump, making it much more difficult to make out what said lump was. Just barely, one could make out what looked to be a face, if one were to look even closer and a tad bit to the top, you would find yourself staring into the hole in the man’s forehead. Leon found himself shaking himself with disgust.
“Oh come on, don’t tell me you’re so worked up over just a dead body?” teased Eric. “The more important question is, why are you  not so worked up over the body. It’s a dead body for Pete’s sake, it’s not something you find on a regular basis, and not something pleasant at that.” said Leon.
By this time, the body had beached itself and lied on the sand. Eric began to make his way towards it. Leon, against his better judgement, began to follow reluctantly. The body was only a few yards away, a smartly dressed man, probably no more than 30. The blood from his body had drained and paled.
“Do you think he has anything on him?” asked Eric. “What?” asked Leon. “I asked, do you think he has anything on him?” repeated Eric. “I know what you asked you fool, but I’m shocked by what you asked. Do you plan to steal from him?” asked Leon. “Well, is it really stealing if he has passed on? I mean, it’s not like he’ll put up a fight.” joked Eric. “You are a sick man. A disrespectful one as well. If you’re going to do this, then I have no intention of staying here anymore.” said Leon. “Then go on, and don’t expect me to share any loot that I find either.” stated Eric. “That is completely fine by me.” retorted Leon.
Leon began to climb the beach, heading back to the car. Eric watched him trudge his way along until he went over the hill and was no longer visible.
“Well, what do you have for me my friend.” said Eric to the body. The body, as expected, continue to lay there, and did not answer back. Eric began to slowly slide off the drenched suit jacket. It looked very expensive, which only excited Eric more, as a man with great taste would have some very worth-while items on him. Unless they were taken from him before he was killed, but Eric tried to ignore the latter and put it out of his head. He checked the left pocket, nothing. He began to search the right pocket and felt something, paper and and a little bag. The paper, which was disappointingly, not money, was instead rolling papers. And in the bag, a pile of wet, useless tobacco. “Garbage” Eric thought to himself.

Eric began to slip off the man’s dress pants. He checked the pockets and once again, found himself disappointed. The pockets were empty, and there was nothing else to check through. The man had not a single penny on him, nor a wrist watch of sorts on him. Other than the useless tobacco and soaked papers, there was nothing. For a moment he pondered about taking the dress suit and pants with him, and ultimately deciding it was for the best to leave them. He dropped the clothes and began to make his way up the hill back home.

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