Monday, May 19, 2014

Short Story 2

“Today is the most important day, today decides whether all the work was worth it or not.” Connor said to himself, only inaudible by the fact that the noise of the train and of those commuters around him was much more louder. The day, had been the final exam, Connor had been studying to become a doctor. Connor enjoyed helping people, and doctor would be the perfect job for him. It was early in the morning, around six-ish perhaps. Connor was extremely tired, not only had he gotten up extremely early for the test, but had spent the entire night studying.
In short, it wasn’t particularly a great day, but things could get much worse. Over the loud noise, came an even louder rumble, and then after that, came an even louder crash in the car in front of his. The train had come to an immediate stop, sending everyone crashing forward. Connor fell and hit his head on a seat, Connor fell to the ground and continued to lie there. He raised his hand up to his head and touched the spot where the pain was coming from. His hand came into his view and noticed his blood. All he could hear were moans of pain, the lights began to flicker, on and off, until finally, Connor lost consciousness.
Connor awoke to what seemed almost exactly to the scene he had passed out to, the horrifying moaning was still audible throughout the car, with the only difference being the lights had completely gone out, giving the car a much more eerie feeling. Connor struggled to get up, he heard a voice behind him. He looked in the direction and saw a man standing, struggling to keep himself up. Connor quickly made his way towards him and carried him out of the train.
“Hey are you okay?” asked Connor. “Yeah, I’ll be fine, just a bit dizzy.” answered the man. “What’s your name son?” asked the man. “Connor, and you must be?” “Jake.” “Well, there are still people in there, we should help them.” said Connor.
They went inside of the train car, and immediately, the moaning began again, the pair began to pull people out. Many of the passenger had been injured, and a grown man was bleeding profusely from the head. Connor quickly began to look for medical supplies. He found a Medical Kit, and started to work on the man. “What are you, some doctor?” asked the man. “No, just studying to be one.” answered Connor with a smile.
Connor began to look around, and that was when he truly realized the situation they were in. At both ends of the tunnel, rubble had fallen and blocked off the paths, blocking any sort of escape. The scene hit Connor deep inside of him. How could they possibly get out of there? Connor pushed the thought aside and began to work on the other passengers. When all was done, Connor, with the help of Jake began to sort through what supplies they had. They had four bottles of water and a couple of snacks. The supplies would not last them a very long time. When he announced the state of their situation to those around him, the looks on their face only worsened. Connor tried to lighten the situation by stating that they were already being searched for and in a couple of days they would find themselves rescued.
*           *           *
Days passed, slowly, one by one, and the time was becoming even more and more agonizing. Connor woke up to a panic. The passenger had all huddled themselves around something. Connor made his way over to the commotion and his heart stopped by what he saw. It was the man he had taken care of first, he was lying on the tunnel wall, and he didn’t seem to be breathing. Connor ran to him and began to check the pulse, only, there was none. Connor began to try CPR, no matter, for the man would not breathe. Connor’s vision began to blur, he put his hand up to his eye, he was crying, and he could not control himself, Connor started to sob.
*           *           *

“End of the line huh?” said Jake. “Was that a pun?” asked Connor. “Huh? What? No, of course not, just slipped out was all.” “I can’t believe we still haven’t been found… Are we even being searched for?” asked Connor. “I have no idea, but don’t get your hopes up.” replied Jake. “Hey, just in case we don’t make it, thanks for taking care of all of us alright?” Continued Jake. “Don’t say things like will arrive. I’m sure of it.” answered Connor. “Are you okay, you don’t sound fine.” “Yeah, I’m okay.” “Are you sure, you’ve been so busy taking care of us, you haven’t really been taking care of yourself, you even gave up some of your portions…” ‘I’m fi-” Connor felt pain in his head. Not only that, but he swore he could hear machinery in the distance. “Hey, do you hear that?” asked Jake. “Yeah, I do.” “We’re being rescued!” The pain was getting worse. He was tired, so incredibly tired. “They’re almost through Connor! They’re almost here!” He was struggling to hear what Jake was saying. All he could hear was Jake screaming his name, “Connor, are you listening? Connor. Connor!” Then Connor saw it, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he was attracted to it, he wanted to go to it, what he saw, was a bright, white light.

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