Sunday, September 8, 2013

There Goes the Neighborhood

There goes the neighborhood, what exactly does that mean? Well, it means when new groups of people start showing up in your area. The same could be said back in the year 1492 when Columbus set sail to find a new route to get Asian, instead of sailing the traditional route and going East, Columbus decided to sail West. That's when Columbus found America, believing to be India, thus calling the inhabitants Indians. The Indians in America were very welcoming to Columbus and his crew, giving them many gifts and supplies of sorts. Columbus, for the most part, did not care for them too much and instead wanted to know if there were any valuable resources on the new found land. With Columbus discovering America, this led others to start sailing to America and start settling down there. This is when the problems began to occur, could the Indians and these new groups of people coexist peacefully? For the most part, no. Most of the new settlers believed that the land was up for grabs to anyone who could grab it first. With this kind of mentality going around, the Indians began to have problems with the new settlers, land that was rightfully theirs was now being taken from them. Then the killing began, that just went back and forth until the Indians were defeated and they had lost their land. This is just one example of how difficult it is for two different groups of people to coexist peacefully, could there have been a solution to the problem between the settlers and Indians, most likely. The Indians were wronged, but there was hardly anything they could do about it, the settlers were more advanced. Now, the Indians and Settlers are not the only example of two groups of people coexisting together. View on religion also caused problems. The Puritans leaving England for America is a good example. At that time, there was no religious freedom, so if you believed in anything else, it was most likely a crime. Now this was a huge problem for the Puritans due to the fact that they had differing views on religion, thus they were hated and came to America to follow their own beliefs. Through these two examples, we realize that coexisting with other groups in society that don't have the same views as us, is more difficult than it seems.


  1. mmm good stuff dude. Just one thing, You said 1942, instead of 1492. might wanna change it, BEFORE ITS TOO LATEEEEEEEE

  2. I agree with your analysis on the quote "There Goes The Neighborhood" and you make a lot of valid points. I liked how you use the Puritans and Indians as examples too. Good post.
