Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge

Some would say John Proctor was a fool for not signing the confession. He could've kept his life, and the others would hang. Surprisingly, John refused to sign, and because of this, he hanged with the others. This might seem foolish to most of you, but this simple action just demonstrates the person that Proctor has become throughout the story. In the beginning of The Crucible, John does not start out sounding like a respectable man. He has cheated on his wife with Abigail, committing Adultery at the same time and being cruel to his loving wife Elizabeth. Toward the middle of the story though, Proctor begins to change, after Abigail has accused Elizabeth of witchcraft and is taken to court, and most likely to hang, Proctor begins to care more for Elizabeth and agrees to do anything to save her. At court, John even blackens his name by admitting to Adultery. It all leads up to the end, Proctor is given the choice of signing a confession and saving his life, or disagree, and lose his life. Proctor does not sign, by signing the document, Proctor would be lying. Proctor died for what he believed was right, an what he believed was true. When faced with the penalty of death, John stood tall and took it, he was not going to allow the court to be the victor, they were being executed unfairly and unreasonably, and to make sure that message was received, John hanged with his neighbors. Through these actions, you are clearly shown that John is no "stooge". He is a man who is willing to stand up for what he has fought for and would die for it. All these things are what a hero needs and should be able to represent, John and his neighbors died to correct an injustice, and this is why John Proctor is a hero.

1 comment:

  1. hmm your argument for why you think John is a hero is very interesting. Although I disagree that he's a hero, you definitely explain your reasoning well
